
Dialogic Pedagogy Wikipedia

Page history last edited by Ana Marjanovic-Shane 1 year, 8 months ago

Dialogic Pedagogy Wikipedia


Welcome to the DialogicPedagogy Wikipedia!  


 The purpose of this Wikipedia is to provide collective definitions, idea-anchors, and maps for Dialogic Pedagogy. We refer to "anchors" as ideas abstracted from their dialogic and ontological immediacy and shape to be semi self-sustaining. We refer to "maps" as a reflection on connections between these anchors. So feel free to bring your baked and half-baked ideas as anchors by adding Articles, and discuss anchors by others through Comments.


The DialogicPedagogy Wikipedia is designed for educational practitioners and educational researchers who are interested in dialogic pedagogy in whatever way they understand it. We do not need to agree with each other how we understand "dialogue" and "dialogic pedagogy" as far as we are interested in these notions in such and eager to listen, address, and reply to each other. We hope to create a community who tests ideas, supports innovations, and reflects on educational practices. Please let us know if you would like to add a page on an issue relevant to you, and we will give you a writing permission. (Ana - anamshane@gmail.com; Eugene - ematusov@udel.edu).


What to do on this Wiki:


  1. Visit different pages on this Wiki listed in the SideBar on the right side.
  2. Leave a comment below any page
  3. Create your own Dialogic pedagogy anchor on a new page (ask for a writing permission).
  4. Create your own Dialogic Pedagogy map connections (ask for a writing permission).
  5. Explore other possibilities of Dialogic pedagogy 


Choose what you want to do!



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